VIVO launched the vivo V40 series last year which included several models. Now the company is preparing to launch the Vivo V50 series in 2025 as the successor to the vivo V40 series. This series is expected to include Vivo V50, V50e, and V50 Pro models. Recently, Vivo V50 series models have appeared on India’s BIC certification website. Due to this, there is a rumor that it can be introduced in India soon. Let’s take a look at this.
Vivo V50 series on BIC Certification
As you can see below, this is a screenshot of India’s BIC certification which includes some Vivo models. According to this listing, the Vivo V50 has the model number “V2427”, the Vivo V50e has the model number “V2428”, and the Vivo V50 Pro has the model number “V2431”. However, the model number for the Pro model has not been confirmed yet.
Vivo V50 series launch timeline
According to a report, the Vivo V50 Pro may get a delay in its India launch. But the Vivo V50, and Vivo V50e are expected to be announced in India in March or April. This is probably just a guess considering the launch timeline of its predecessor.
We recently spotted a model number listed on the NCC database and several other databases that suggest the design of the Vivo V50, which also appears to be an image of the Vivo S20 that was launched in November. After a lot of investigation, we confirmed that this is the Vivo V50 model. However, the design of its other variants is still a secret.
Vivo V50 series specs (Expected)
According to the previously leaked information, the Vivo V50 series will include features like a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor, a 50 MP megapixel primary camera, a 16MP selfie camera, a 6,000 mAh battery, a 90-watt charger, an AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Apart from this, the phone will have a maximum of 12 GB RAM and 256 GB storage options.
Currently, the BIC certification does not reveal any other features of the Vivo V50. This evidence shows that the launch in India is near. It is expected that other information related to the Vivo V50 series can be officially shared this week. Stay tuned for this.