Vivo will launch two new 5G smartphones in India soon, including Vivo T4x 5G and Vivo Y59 5G models. Both these models will be introduced this year as the successor to the models launched last year. Recently, both these smartphones have been certified by India’s mobile communication website, BIS.
Vivo T4x 5G and Y59 5G are listed on BIC Certification
Recently Vivo T4x 5G and Vivo Y59 5G smartphones have been seen on BIC certification, in which model number V2437 for Vivo T4x 5G and model number V2443 for Vivo Y59 5G has been confirmed. However, both these models have been seen on IMEI certification earlier as well. But there was no news of the launch.
After the listed certification, the Vivo T4x 5G and Y59 5G phones can be launched in India in a few weeks. The price of which is expected to be less than Rs 20,000. Let us remind you that this is the successor of the Vivo T3x and Y58 5G phones launched last year. It has been hinted to come to India with new features and upgrades.
Vivo T4x 5G and Y59 5G features
At present, this certification does not reveal any information about the device. But it is a successor to the previous launch which includes some such features
Vivo launched the vivo T3x 5G phone in April 2024 which is priced around Rs 13000. It includes features like SM6450 Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 processor, 50 MP main camera, 8 MP selfie, 6,000 mAh battery, and 44-watt charging.
Based on this, Vivo T4x 5G is expected to have a Snapdragon processor, a 6000 mAh battery, fast charging, and a 120Hz refresh rate display. Since this is an affordable smartphone, it should have a plastic frame and a side-mounted fingerprint sensor
On the other hand, if we talk about the features of Vivo Y59 5G, it will be the successor of Vivo Y58 which has a Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 processor, 50 MP main camera, 8 MP selfie camera, 6000 mAh battery capacity, and 44-watt fast charging facility.