Samsung is all set to launch the Samsung Galaxy S25 series at an event on January 22 in India and globally. Ahead of the launch, official render images of the upcoming Samsung S25, Samsung S25 Plus, Samsung S25 Slim, and Samsung S25 Ultra have been leaked. Along with this, several colour variants have also been revealed. Let us take a look at the Galaxy S25 series.
Samsung Galaxy S25 renders and colour variants
As listed below, the official render image of the Samsung S25 comes with a design with Silver Shadow, Mint, Ice Blue, and Navy colors. Apart from this, there is a triple camera setup on the rear panel and a single flashlight. This is the base variant of the S25 series.
Samsung Galaxy S25+ renders and colour variants
Below is the official render image of the Samsung S25 Plus which has Silver Shadow, Mint Green, Ice Blue, and Navy Blue color designs. If seen, there is not much difference in the design between Samsung S25 and Plus. There is a lot of similarity in terms of design. But they are different in terms of features.
Samsung Galaxy S25 ultra renders and colour variants
Samsung galaxy S25 Ultra is the top and premium model of the series. It comes in different Titanium Black, Titanium Gray, Titanium Silver Blue, and Titanium White Silver color designs. Its entire body comes with a Titanium Metal design. It has 4 cameras and a sensor on its rear panel. It also has the facility of S Pen.
Samsung Galaxy S25 series other renders Image
Soon after the official render listed above, new renders of the Samsung Galaxy S25 series were leaked which revealed the side panel. Its sidebar has a volume controller and power button.
For now, the render of the Samsung S25 Slim is still a secret. This week, we will have other rendered images of the slim model. We keep sharing them with you from time to time. Stay tuned for news related to the Samsung S25 renders.