Redmi launched the Redmi K80 series on November 27 last year, which includes the Redmi K80 and Redmi K80 Pro models. It comes with the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite and is equipped with a 50 MP telephoto lens. Now, news from China has surfaced the first rumor of the Redmi K90 Pro as the successor to the Redmi K80 Pro. The device is said to use a Snapdragon 8 Elite chip and a 50MP periscope telephoto lens.
First leak of Redmi K90 Pro
Digital Chat Station, a famous tipster on China’s social media site Weibo, has made some claims about the Redmi K90 Pro. However, the tipster does not confirm the model, the senior tipsters on his chat list point to it being the Redmi K90 Pro. Which is quite interesting.
The tipster says that Qualcomm’s new chipset 8 Elite, which is coming in 2025, will have a 2K resolution flat display with the next series 8 Elite 2 chipset. It will have a 50-megapixel periscope telephoto lens on the rear panel. However, the tipster does not mention any model.
According to this leak, it seems that the upcoming Redmi K90 Pro may focus a lot on camera quality. Also, the display is expected to be brighter and support a 120Hz refresh rate. It is believed that the phone may have more optical zoom to bring things closer from a long distance. This is an attempt to take the photography experience to a higher level.
Apart from this, the Snapdragon 8 Elite 2 chip can be a better replacement for better performance, which makes gaming and multitasking at a higher level. It is rumored that it is expected to come soon after the launch of the Snapdragon 8 Elite i.e. in October or November. It can be launched in the open market by 2026.
For now, this first rumor about the Redmi K90 Pro gives us an indication of the chipset and display. There is still a lot of time left for its launch, so many rumors renders, and renders are expected to come in the meantime. Stay tuned for this