POCO X7 Pro was launched in India on January 9. It boots on Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0. Soon after the launch, the India version of POCO X7 Pro received the first update of the HyperOS 2.0 operating system. This update brings many new features, changes, and bug fixes.
Poco x7 Pro has been launched in India with Dimensity 8400 Ultra processor which is the world’s first smartphone with this processor. The Indian model number of the Poco X7 Pro is 2412DPC0AI and the software codename is “Rodin“.
What’s the new update in POCO X7 Pro 5G HyperOS 2.0
As listed below is a screenshot of the HyperOS 2 update on x7 Pro. It shows the firmware version This version is the official version of the Poco x7 Pro Indian model. After this, a new update has been received by Poco x7 Pro in the form of firmware update OS2.0.2.0.VOJINXM version.
Key Features and Improvements
Alive Design Philosophy
Alive Design Philosophy unveils fresh, vibrant design across the whole system, making every interaction feel smooth and alive.
All-new Artistic Lock screen
Artistic Lock screen brings new templates and effects inspired by classic designs, giving your device a cinematic look every time you unlock it.
All-new Calendar
The new Desktop calendar adds a touch of ritual to your day.
Updated animations
A full-scale animation upgrade makes every interaction flow smoothly and feel stable, responsive, and comfortable.
Xiaomi HyperCore
Xiaomi HyperCore, Xiaomi’s proprietary core technology platform, enhances performance, graphics, network, and security.
Enhanced rendering pipeline boosts hardware performance for faster, more efficient visuals.
Apart from the above listing, there are many other new changes that come with it. To get this HyperOS 2.0 update on Poco X7 Pro India, check the phone settings and update. Make sure to take a backup of the phone. Stay tuned for more information about HyperOS 2 update for other Poco devices.