OnePlus launched the OnePlus Ace 5 series on December 26, which includes the OnePlus Ace 5 and OnePlus Ace 5 Pro mode. Another new family member is ready to be added to this series, which is the OnePlus Ace 5V. According to information received on China’s Weibo about the Ace 5V model, it has been indicated to have a MediaTek processor and a long-lasting battery.
what’s new in OnePlus Ace 5V
Digital Chat Station, a well-known tipster on Chinese social media, has speculated that the OnePlus Ace 5V model will be powered by MediaTek’s Dimensity 9300++ chip. However, this chip is a nod to the Dimensity 9350 which directly competes with the Snapdragon 8s Elite. It is also the successor to the Dimensity 9300.
The upcoming Dimensity 9350 SoC is not believed to be more powerful than its predecessor. Rather, it makes up for some of the shortcomings and comes with a lower power output, which is expected to be on par with the Snapdragon 8s Elite.
Apart from this, Ace 5V will have a flat display with 1.5k resolution. It will have thin bezels and a very new look from its predecessor OnePlus ACE 3V. Interestingly, the upcoming Ace 5V will have a 7000mAh battery. Which is 600mAh more than the OnePlus Ace 5 main variant and 1500mAh more than its predecessor. It is expected to support an 80-watt fast charger.
It is rumored that the Ace 5V may be rebranded as the Oneplus Nord 5 model and launched globally. Just like the previous OnePlus Ace 3V was intentionally launched as the OnePlus Nord 4.
However, there is no official accurate information about OnePlus Ace 5V. Looking at its previous timeline, it should be introduced in March. We are very close to that time, hopefully, soon we will have other information about Ace 5V. Stay tuned for other information, we keep updating from time to time.