OnePlus 13R has been launched in India on 7 January 2025. Which runs on Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and OxygenOS 15 based on Android 15. Just a few weeks after the launch of the OnePlus 13R, the company released the update of OxygenOS 15. In which many new features have been updated and bugs have been fixed. Let’s take a look at those features.
First OxygenOS 15 on OnePlus 13R
As you can see below, this is a screenshot of the availability of the first update of OxygenOS 15 on OnePlus 13R. The model of the OnePlus 13R is CPH2691 which is an Indian model. The first software version received on the device is CPH2691_15.0.0.403(EX01) which is 915.45 MB file size.
After the OxygenOS 15 update, many changes have been seen in OnePlus 13R. However, we can expect new features in the 1GB update. Apart from this, features like improved WiFi connectivity, share features, and better color on telephoto lenses are available. The information of which is listed below with details.
what’s New
Changes on Apps
- Adds a new feature to Photos for personalized watermarks.
Communication & interconnection
- Adds a Touch to Share feature that supports iOS devices. You can share photos and files with a touch.
- Improves the stability of Wi-Fi connections for a better network experience.
- Improves the stability and expands the compatibility of Bluetooth connections.
- Fixes an issue where photos might be too bright when taken with the rear camera in Photo mode.
- Enhances the colors in photos taken with the main camera and telephoto lens in Photo mode.
- Improves camera performance and stability for a better user experience.
- Adds charging status to Live Alerts for a better user experience.
- Improves system stability and performance.
- Integrates the December 2024 Android security patch to enhance system security.