Nokia HMD has started giving the update of the Android 15 operating system on its smartphone HMD Pulse Pro. At the end of 2024, HMD has given the biggest good news to the users. Not only on HMD Pulse Pro but also on other devices of HMD, the update of Android 15 will be released in a few days. The details of which are given below.
As you can see in the image above, this is a picture of the HMD Pulse Pro software update. In which Android 15 is installed. HMD has given it version 2.370 and it comes with about 3.12GB file. Also, it enables the Google security patch December 2024 update.
The Android 15 update on HMD Pulse Pro boosts the performance of the device. Creates new animations and smooth user experience. Apart from this, it strengthens security and privacy. Also fixes power consumption.
Installing this new update on the device is very easy. Just go to the Settings section. Then go to About and check the software, you will see the notification of the latest update. If you do not get the notification of the update, then you need to wait for some time i.e. 1 or 2 days.
Apart from this, HMD is also ready to give Android 15 updates for its other devices. It will start rolling it on all the devices given below by the end of January.
HMD devices eligible for Android 15
- Nokia G42 5G
- Nokia G60 5G
- Nokia XR21 5G
- Nokia X30 5G
- HMD Pulse series
- HMD Crest series
- HMD Fusion
- HMD Skyline
- HMD XR21 5G
- HMD T21
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