Google launched the Pixel 9 series last year. Now the most affordable model of this series, Pixel 9A, was reported to be launched a year later in 2025. It seems that it can be announced in March or April. Meanwhile, a leak of the hike in the price of Google Pixel 9A has surfaced, which is quite surprising. However, many rumors have already been spread regarding the price. After all, let’s look at how much the price is going to increase and why.
Google Pixel 9A Price
First, let’s start with the price hike. As the leak suggests, the Google Pixel 9A will be priced at $499 for the 128GB storage variant. Apart from this, the 256GB storage variant is priced at $599. However, this price may be for the United States.
On the other hand, the price of Google Pixel 9A for Canada will be CAD 679 for the 128GB model. While the price for the 256GB model is going to be CAD 809, although this price is a rumor. If this price is true, then there will be some kind of increase.
How much did the price of the Google Pixel 9A jump?
As we compare the price of the previous Pixel 8a, there is a jump of $40 in the price which includes 256 storage variants. If we compare it with the 256 storage variant of Pixel 9, then there is a difference of only $100. Which is quite interesting. It seems that the Google Pixel A series of smartphones is now going to move towards premium. Why is this so? Let’s know the truth.
The main factor behind the price hike
The specifications of Google Pixel 9A have come to us even before the launch and its render design. Leaked specifications Pixel 9A will use Google’s Tensor G4 chipset which is also used in Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro. Apart from this, it will have 5100mAh battery capacity and support for 23 watt charger. Whereas Pixel 9 has less battery capacity and Morph 3 watt charger is used for charging. This is the main reason for the hike in price
Apart from this, features like a 6.3-inch OLED display, a 48-megapixel quad dual-pixel camera, and a 13-megapixel ultrawide camera have been given in Pixel 9a. Which is a big upgrade from Pixel 8a. The phone is probably equipped with a larger camera lens which may be less in number but is as powerful as Pixel 9 in quality. Due to all these changes, the price of Google Pixel 9A is likely to hike.
It seems that Google Pixel 9a can be launched in March or April. There are only a few months left for the launch, February is going to start. Hopefully, there will be many other news related to Pixel 9a among us. Stay tuned for this, we keep updating from time to time.